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How To

Update WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) Most of our themes provide a full version of WPBakery Page Builder. Any time the plugin is updated, you will find the latest version of the plugin in the config/plugins (or includes/admin/plugins) folder of your theme. Ple ...

Theme Update To update your theme automatically you can use Envato Market plugin. If you can't update the theme from the Envato market panel, you can try to update via Dashboard > Updates or Appearance > Themes. If you're not able to u ...

Create a default WordPress gallery (not with page builder) Here is a short video tutorial to show how to create a gallery with WordPress.

Translate your Theme In each of our themes and plugins, you will find a “languages” folder including a themename.pot or a pluginname.pot file. A .pot file is a template containing all translatable strings that you can use to translate ...

Add Google Fonts to your Theme You can load any Google font you like and use it for your menu, headings, text etc... To load Google Fonts: Go to the Google Fonts website and select the fonts you like.Open the "Families Selected" frame at bottom right o ...

Add Typekit Fonts to your Theme You can add any Typekit Font to your theme, directly in theme options and select it in the customizer “Fonts” tab or in the page builder, where a “font” option is available. But you may want to add Typekit Fontsas ...

Create a SVG Logo Our recent themes (released from June 2017) support SVG logo. Scalable Vector Graphics is a XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics that supports interactivity and animation.This option gives you a modern, ...

Increasing the WordPress Memory Limit If your site is having memory limit issues, you may be able to adjust this yourself – or, you may need to speak with your host. To adjust it on your own, here are some things you can try: 1. Edit your wp-config.php file. ...

Increasing the PHP Max Input Vars The PHP Max Input Vars is the maximum number of variables your server can use for a single function. To work properly with a modern WordPress theme set this value to 3000. Lower values can create problems such lost data in ...

Increasing the Upload Size Limit Upload an audio file or a video file can a be a problem if your server has a low upload maximum size limit. (e.g 4M). Here is a way to work around this. Use the following tip if you need to increase the upload_max_filesize ...

Update your PHP version PHP is the most popular server-side scripting language, powering millions of websites. If you got to this page from the notice in your theme, your server is running an outdated and unmaintained version of PHP. Not only is y ...

Increasing Server Memory Limit To increase the Server Memory Limit, you’ll need to access and modify certain files such as the php.ini file. Most hosts won’t grant you full access to modify the PHP.ini file because it affects the whole server and all t ...

Add Currency to Currency Switcher If your theme supports currency switcher via our Wolf Currency Switcher plugin, you are able to add/remove currencies using this simple trick. You must use the child theme included in your theme package and add the following ...

Create an animated SVG With our new Wolf Core plugin, you can create an animated SVG using the "Animated SVG" elementor widget. In order to work correctly, your SVG illustration must be a simple path with no stroke and fill. It means once you're d ...

Enable WP_DEBUG WP_DEBUG is a PHP constant (a permanent global variable) that can be used to trigger the "debug" mode throughout WordPress and display error messages. To enable the debug mode, open the wp-config.php file at the root if your ...

Update Slider Revolution Most of our themes provide a full version of Slider Revolution. Any time the plugin is updated, you will find the latest version in the config/plugins (or includes/admin/plugins) folder of your theme. Please note that we n ...

Add Custom Fonts to Your Theme To import custom fonts to your theme, use the child theme included in your theme package.Your fonts must be in web format, meaning you must have one or several font files for each font (ttf, wotf format, etc.) and a CSS snip ...

Import Demo Content Manually If you want to import the demo data manually, or if your theme doesn’t offer the “one-click import” feature (yet), you can import the demo content the old fashion way using the WordPress Importer tool. In your theme p ...

cURL To ensure that WordPress functions properly with our themes, you must have the PHP cURL extension installed and enabled on your server. The cURL extension is a basic server function necessary for making network requests, suc ...

Transform your playlist into a streaming player If you have one of our recent music themes that comes with the Wolf Playlist plugin, it is possible to transform one of your playlist into a radio/streaming player. To achive this, you will need to use the child theme includ ...

GD Library To run WordPress with our themes correctly, you must have the PHP GD library installed and enabled on your server. This is a basic server function and it is necessary to process images. Please ask your hosting service provi ...

How to Increase Your Loading Speed Website speed is a really important factor that can impact the number of visitors on your website. It has been proven many times that if your loading speed is too slow, people will leave your site even before the page has fin ...